Demo (1) Demo (2)
(1) Dynamic Mosaic (2) Static Mosaic

Client: SET Technology University
Agency: Banda Agency
Art Direction: Banda Agency

The SET mosaic system is integral to the visual identity of SET Technology University in Ukraine. This system uses a specific set of tiles, each tied to a unique meaning, to function as a visual code. Over time, the mosaic patterns in the University's communications will reveal an additional layer of information to viewers based on these patterns.

SET Tile Legend Example

Key Features:
  • Tile-sets added by Drag’n’Droping images into application window. Optionally tile-set can be created from the realtime University data via API.
  • Mask shape is randomly generated, you can draw or adjust it manually.
  • Export image sequences, static vector graphics, and (mp4, GIF) animations.
Designed and Developed using JavaScript and P5.js

Tool for SET is divided in two parts to serve different mosaic creation processes. Both are designed for easy and playful generation of brand visuals, eliminating the need for specialized design software. Users can produce outputs in raster or vector formats, including static images and sequences.

(1) Mosaic for Dynamic use:

Designed to produce dynamic mosaics. It functions as a video filter, converting inputs into a grid-based pattern. Users can then refine the result by adjusting tile order, size, and drawing masks to mold the edges to a desired shape.

(2) Mosaic for Static use:

The second mosaic tool is intended for designing various static layouts and yields a more intricate modular system. It employs the quad-tree algorithm for its compositional grid, and overall provides precise control over the final pattern structure.

In use:

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